Alright so I'm learning the Digestive system - kind of every little reaction that takes place there; mechanic, chemical, physical, in its every component, heck even in the mouth, every little enzyme, protein, glucide and shit. And it's 100% boring, so I can do that later. I have no idea what I'm gonna write about, I've got this urge to go on and whine about everything but I won't. Gotta stay positive (yeah, right). Ok, so I've been staring at my screen, trying to find something to write about but nothing comes to my mind. Oh, oh! This this week I made my first dream catcher ever :)) I kinda like how it turn out. Ok I have an idea; these days I've walked a lot and for some reason I started noticing people. And by this I mean their randomness; and sometimes listening to their discussion was kind of funny, but if I were to translate them in English, it wouldn't be fun anymore. I'm not sure what's the point that I'm trying to make here; I was just looking at their faces and gestures, trying to guess how they're like, their life or whatever. The thing is when I walk I get bored so I gotta do something, and this kept my mind occupied. And doing this, made me think about how I tend to judge people on their appearance. And by this I don't mean only the way they look or dress; but by the way they walk, move, act and talk.. there so much things you can know about a person only by observing them. And I don't know if it's wrong or right judging someone like this, but the thing is most of the times the first opinion I had on someone was the lasting one. And usually, I tend to 'guess' people, that unless if I like them, because then I usually won't see any flaws or whatever. Pfffhhs, I have no idea what all this amount of words is.
I know it's random and borderline creepy i guess, but i used to do pretty much the same. When i was really bored, i just went to a park, and drank a cold beer while i just watched people. How they acted, how they talked, how they dressed...i don't know why, but i found it fascinating.