- the public self: the part of ourselves that we see and others see
- the private self: what we know but keep from others
- the blind self: the aspects that others see but we are not aware of
- the undiscovered self: this is where the unconscious or subconscious part of us is seen by neither ourselves nor others
The open persona
"Someone with an open persona is both very self-aware and is quite happy to expose their self to others. They are so comfortable with themselves they are not ashamed or troubled with the notion of other people seeing themselves are they really are.
Becoming an Open Persona usually takes people much time and effort, unless they were blessed with a wonderful childhood and grew up well-adjusted from the beginning. It can require courage to accept others honest views and also to share your deeper self and plumb the depths of the undiscovered self.
The weaker side of the Open Persona is where they understand and share themselves, but do not understand others. They may thus dump embarrassing information from their Private Selves onto others who are not ready to accept it."
The Naive Persona
"The Naive person has a large Blind Self that others can see. They thus may make significant social gaffes and not even realize what they have done or how others see them. They hide little about themselves and are typically considered as harmless by others, who either treat them in kind and perhaps patronizing ways (that go unnoticed) or take unkind advantage of their naivety.
The Naive Persona may be using aggression without realizing the damage that it does, and can thus be disliked or feared. They may also wear their heart on their sleeves and lack the emotional intelligence to see how others see them."
The Secret Persona
"When a person has a large Private Self, they may appear distant and secretive to others. They talk little about themselves and may spend a significant amount of time ensconced in their own private world. In conversations they say little and, as a result, may not pay a great deal of attention to others.
Having a smaller Blind Self (often because they give little away), the Secret Persona may well be aware of their introverted tendencies, but are seldom troubled about this. Where they are troubled, their introversion is often as a result of personal traumas that have led them to retreat from the world."
The Mysterious Persona
"Sometimes people are a mystery to themselves as well as to other people. They act in strange ways and do not notice it. They may be very solitary, yet not introverted.
As the Mysterious Persona knows relatively little about themselves, they may be of low intelligence, not being able to relate either to themselves or to others. They may also just prefer to live in the moment, taking each day as it comes and not seeking self-awareness."
I've always been fascinated about the multitude of 'personalities' a human being can have, but I've never heard of this psychological tool before. I found it quite interesting and I thought I should share. After reading the descriptions of the personas, I'd say I fit the best as 'the secret' one; which one fits you?
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I'll always prefer this to a pool. |
And for the photo challenge matter (which I'm tempted to abandon and just transform this blog into something random) this is another place I've been to this summer. There is no point in saying where this is, because you've probably never heard of it anyway. With the sun going down, the view was pretty magical, it was raining, (thing you can't really see in this picture so you gotta trust me) and there were no people around besides me and my two friends. So yeah, in one word it was awesome and it's a great feeling to swim when it's raining. Actually, for some reason, rain can always make the atmosphere better.
This post was kind of long, I actually wonder if anyone will read it.
I read it and have aspects of every one of those. I guess that's why my dreams are so wild. Personality schema really intrigue me. Love the photo!
ReplyDeleteHow can one person have so much awesome in them? Following this one too.
ReplyDeleteI'm a secret. D:
ReplyDeleteI'm a born performer, and admittedly go for The Mysterious Persona often.
ReplyDeleteThe photo place looks so quiet. Perfect for a cold beer in a warm summer afternoon when sun is about to hide. 6 or 7pm. It doesn't get any better than that.
ReplyDeleteI think the open persona suits me better.I have no problem talking about my stuff, nothing to hide there hahaha
ReplyDeleteI guess I might be secret? not sure. Awesome shot though.